Pennsylvania Banner Users Group Constitution
Adopted February 25, 2000
Amended March 1, 2004
Amended May 9, 2013
Amended January 10, 2014
Amended May 13, 2014
Amended May 14, 2015
Amended May 28, 2015
Amended July 25, 2018
Amended November 15, 2019
The organization shall be called the Pennsylvania Banner Users Group, hereafter to be referred to as PABUG. This organization’s intention is to remain at a non-profit status.
ARTICLE II Mission Statement
The purpose of this organization is to develop and maintain a network of Pennsylvania Higher Education Institutions who use Ellucian Banner software. PABUG will promote effective use of Ellucian Banner technology, within each member institution by:
• Maintaining a web site:, and on eCommunities.
• Establish and maintain a mailing list in order to facilitate communications.
• Exchange of information among users through personal relationships, presentations, discussions, formal and informal meetings, and online venues so as to act as a collective voice to influence the Ellucian product and policy direction.
ARTICLE III Membership Qualifications and Voting Rights
Membership is defined as: Pennsylvania Institutions that utilize the Banner ERP system.
SECTION 1 Membership Qualification: The membership of this organization shall be available to those universities, colleges and community colleges in the state of Pennsylvania that utilize any module of the Ellucian product suite and is operating under a current license agreement with Ellucian.
SECTION 2 General Voting: Each Pennsylvania higher education institution holding membership shall have one vote to be cast by its designee on PABUG Board of Directors. In the event of a tie, the President will cast the deciding vote after consultation with the Officers.
SECTION 3 There will be no discrimination due to sex, race, creed, color, sexual orientation, disability or national origin.
SECTION 4 The members are empowered to conduct business as deemed necessary through regularly scheduled meetings or alternate methods such as but not limited to telephone, email, etc.
ARTICLE IV Organizational Hierarchy
Board of Directors
Special Resources
Track Leaders
ARTICLE V Board of Directors, Officers, Special Resources, Track Leaders and Terms of Office
All individuals must be members of PABUG institutions except Track Leaders; Track Leaders are not required to be members of PABUG schools.
Barring any unforeseen personal/profession responsibilities, all PABUG Board of Directors, Track Leaders, and Special Resource Coordinators are required to attend the annual Fall Conference for the day on which their respective Track events are being held in order to facilitate Track oversight and any additional administrative responsibilities of the event. PABUG Officers are required to attend both days of the annual Fall Conference.
SECTION 1 Board of Directors:
The Board of Directors shall be a designee from each member institution.
A. The Board of Director designee shall be solicited and approved by the PABUG Officers with the understanding that the designee provides support to the PABUG organization as mentioned below in the constitution. The Board of Director designee may serve in this position as long as desired and may be replaced at the discretion of the PABUG officers.
B. The Board of Directors shall provide support to the Officers, Special Resources and Track Leaders primarily for any annual conference related activities.
C. The Board of Directors shall also be provided the opportunity to vote in order to fill a vacant Officer position.
SECTION 2 Officers:
A. The Officers of PABUG shall be the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Past President
B. The presidency will involve a progression each year from Vice President to President to Past President for a total “Presidential” term of 3 years. The Presidential term is defined as Jan 1 through Dec 31.
C. The Secretary and Treasurer will serve for a term of 3 years. They may not serve more than two consecutive terms. Positions must be affirmed every three years.
D. A vacant Officer position can be filled by those individuals that served their term to completion in a prior Officer, Special Resources or Track Leader positions.
E. There shall be no more than one Officer from any given institution at any given time.
F. Vacant Officer positions will be filled as follows:
• The President or a current Officer will announce a to be vacant Officer’s positions at the annual PABUG conference indicating that eligible nominees should send an email indicating their interest in an Officer position to all of the current Officers. A like email communication will also be sent by the President or a current Officer to eligible nominees.
• The President or a current Officer will solicit a brief bio from each eligible nominee. The President or a current Officer will send a list of eligible nominees seeking election to an Officers position to the Board of Directors to solicit a vote from them. The vacant Officer’s positions will be attempted to be filled before the end of the current Presidents term. If there is only one nominee a vote of affirmation will be solicited.
G. In the case of any vacancy the Officers shall appoint a successor to complete the vacant term. Officers, Special Resources and Track Leaders of PABUG shall serve without pay, but may be reimbursed for expenses incurred in the dispatch of their duties, including expenses for office supplies and miscellaneous expenses, when receipts are provided and as approved by the Treasurer. Expenses incurred by the Officers, Special Resources and Track Leaders, in attending PABUG conference planning meetings may be eligible for reimbursement per prior review and approval by the President and Treasurer
SECTION 3 Special Resources:
Special Resources will consist of the following; Ellucian Account Manager, Ellucian Resource Coordinator, Conference Coordinators, CPE Coordinator, Registration Coordinator, Vendor Coordinator, Website Technical Coordinator, Website Communications Coordinator, Mobile Coordinator, Marketing Coordinator. Since Special Resources provide support services for the PABUG organization, their term is reviewed as required by the Officers to continue the advancement of the PABUG organization.
A. The Ellucian Resource Coordinator will function as the liaison with Ellucian in an effort to have the vendor continue their support and participation in PABUG events.
B. The Conference Coordinators facilitate and execute the management and planning of the annual conference with the conference site and the Officers.
C. CPE Coordinator manages the CPE credit program for the organization.
D. Registration Coordinator(s) manages pre-conference and conference registration. They shall also provide registration related information to the Mobile Coordinator as applicable.
E. Vendor Coordinator is the organization’s liaison with vendors in order to gain support and participation in PABUG events.
F. Website Technical Coordinator manages webpages, upgrades, site plugins, listserv, site hosting, site security and domain management.
G. Website Communications Coordinator manages communication and web updates with the Web Technical Coordinator. They shall maintain a presence on and disseminate communication to all utilized platforms.
H. Mobile Coordinator develops mobile applications for the PABUG organization.
I. Marketing Coordinator coordinates the marketing activities and initiatives for PABUG. They handle our Social Media presence, carry out promotional campaigns, identify target audiences and evaluate current trends.
SECTION 4 Track Leaders:
The Banner software is broad in scope so it is expected that tracks will evolve to address more specific support issues and needs of the PABUG membership. Track Leaders provide conference support for each Banner module or other related areas of interest (Accounts Receivable, Admissions, Advancement, Finance, Financial Aid, Human Resources, Leadership, Portal, Student and Technical).
A. Track Leaders will be solicited by Officers, Special Resources and current and former Track Leaders from PABUG member institutions for a 2 year term. PABUG member institution personnel may also volunteer for a Track Leader position.
B. The Track Leaders primary responsibility will be to actively participate in PABUG conference planning calls, and to solicit volunteers to present at the annual conference.
C. Track Leaders may serve for consecutive terms if so desired.
D. Track Leader participation may be reviewed as required by the Officers to ensure the continued progression of the PABUG organization.
ARTICLE VI PABUG Annual Conferences, Sponsored Meetings Event Cancellation and Refund Policies
SECTION 1 Annual Conference
There shall be an annual conference of the organization. The time and place shall be subject to the review and approval of the Officers. The Officers may solicit the advice of Special Resources and Track Leaders concerning the timing and location of the annual conference as applicable.
SECTION 2 Sponsored Meetings
There may be other meetings of the organization as requested by the Officers, Special Resources or Track Leaders. PABUG may contribute limited funds for other meetings, educational endeavors, etc. subsequent to the review and approval of the event by the Officers.
SECTION 3 Event Cancellation
PABUG reserves the right to cancel an event due to low enrollment, inclement weather or other circumstances which would make the event non-viable. If PABUG cancels an event, registrants will be offered a full refund as long as no outstanding balances are due scheduled conference venue and associated contractors. Should circumstances arise that result in the postponement of an event, registrants will have the option to either receive a full refund or transfer registration to the same event at the new, future date. In the case of inclement weather, if an event is cancelled it, it will be posted on the PABUG website.
SECTION 4 Refund Policy for Attendees
Registrants will receive a full refund from all PABUG sponsored events as long as registration is still open. Once registration closes, refunds will no longer be issued.
These above policies apply to all PABUG events unless otherwise noted in the corresponding event materials. Please read all individual event information thoroughly.
ARTICLE VII Vendor Participation
SECTION 1 Vendor Participation at PABUG Sponsored Events
Vendor participation at all events sponsored by PABUG will consist only of those vendors who are Ellucian Partners. This includes but is not limited to Annual Fall Conference and all One Day Events where PABUG is sponsor or co-sponsor of the event.
SECTION 2 Vendor Participation Presentation
With regard to vendor participation for presentations, PABUG allows only those vendors who are Ellucian Partners to co-present at any PABUG sponsored event. Schools are permitted to hold a BOF or panel session including third-party solutions by non-partner vendors, but they are not permitted to dedicate an entire session to a specific non-partner vendor solution. The vendor may not participate or be present at the event.
SECTION 3 Vendor Cancellation, Refunds, No Show Policy
Barring unforeseen circumstances, no refunds will be given to a vendor who cancels within 60 days of the PABUG Annual Fall Conference. Should a vendor cancel more than 60 days in advance of the PABUG Annual Fall Conference they will receive a full refund. Should a vendor fail to show, said vendor may lose their eligibility to participate in future PABUG event and no refund will be given. Should a vendor violate any PABUG and/or venue policy during the PABUG Annual Fall conference, PABUG may choose to close the Vendor booth/area and no refund will be given. PABUG reserves the right to cancel a vendor registration and/or terminate a relationship with any existing vendor at any given time for any reason.
ARTICLE VIII PABUG Additional Policies and Procedures
SECTION 1 Compliance
All Board of Directors and Officers must abide by the following policies.
PABUG reserves the right to refuse gifts or services from any individual or organization that they deem to be a conflict of interest. PABUG will address each incident on a case by case basis following IRS Conflict of Interest guidelines and sample policies during review.
All parties affiliated with and involved in, including but not limited to volunteers, vendors, and attendees must abide by the following policies and procedures.
- Billing and Payment
ARTICLE IX PABUG Organization Dissolution
Upon dissolution of the PABUG organization, the current PABUG Officers shall, after paying or making provisions for the payment of all of the liabilities of the PABUG organization, dispose of all assets of the PABUG organization in such manner, or to such organizations(s) organized and operated exclusively for charitable, educational, religious, or scientific purposes as shall at the time qualify as an exempt organization(s) under section 501(c) (6) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (or corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law), as the current PABUG Officers shall determine. Any such assets not so disposed of shall be disposed of by the Court of Common Pleas of the county in which the PABUG Presidents office of the PABUG organization is then located, exclusively for such purposes as said Court shall determine, which are organized and operated exclusively for such purposes.